i have a problem with rotating when i touch the rotate button and swipe right and left like normal rotate it will work fine but if you move your finger inside the layout container it will keep rotating as a fan i have been trying to fix this problem since 5 days but i got nothing if you have any solution would be great
here is the code
btnrot.setOnTouchListener(OnTouchListener { v, event ->
if (!freeze) {
layoutParams = layGroup.layoutParams as LayoutParams
layBg = v.parent as RelativeLayout
val arrayOfInt = IntArray(2)
var mX = event.rawX.toInt() - arrayOfInt[0]
var mY = event.rawY.toInt() - arrayOfInt[1]
when (event.action) {
MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN -> {
startDegree = layGroup.rotation
pivx = layoutParams.leftMargin + v.width / 2
pivy = layoutParams.topMargin + v.height / 2
basex = mX - pivx
basey = pivy - mY
MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE -> {
val k = pivx
val m = pivy
mY = (Math.toDegrees(
) - Math.toDegrees(atan2(m - mY.toDouble(), mX - k.toDouble()))).toInt()
mX = mY
if (mY < 0) {
mX = mY + 360
val km = event.y.toInt()
// if (km in 0..1000) {
layGroup.rotation = (startDegree + mX) % 360f
// }
return@OnTouchListener true