
I'm trying to encrypt my live streaming content using DRM encryption by following instruction from https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/media-services/previous/media-services-protect-hls-with-fairplay.

This is my DRM policies and the streaming locator:

enter image description here

enter image description here

I'm able to get the MANIFEST file from the HLS URL. I found that should have another line (known as License URL?) something similar to the following, but it's not appearing inside my downloaded MANIFEST file:


Is it something wrong when I configured the DRM? For the FAIRPLAY I uploaded .pfx file, password is in STRING format and the ASK is as given by APPLE. Is this correct or is there anything I've missed?


1 Answers


This is by design. The URI="skd://willzhanmswest.keydelivery.westus.media.azure.net/FairPlay/?kid=90e91c74-feb1-41ed-920a-3330a62279ca" is indeed the FairPlay license acquisition URL. sdk is per Apple's FPS spec.

If player SDK does not require explicit license URL, it knows to replace skd by https.

If player SDK requires explicit license URL, your code needs to replace skd by https.

Quick note: you are using OpenRestriction for 3 DRMs. I assume this is just for test and do not intend to do the same with production?