I wanted to add a PDF generation button for articles. Everything is working well until I noticed that the file sizes are upwards of 4MB for a document with 200KB of JPG images and about 120KB of HTML. So, I tossed the CFDocument into the CFPDF tag which reduced it to 1.5MB. Better. Then I put it through Acrobat's web optimizer which took it down to 335KB. I cannot find an "optimizing" solution with either CFDocument or CFPDF. I was hoping for a quality setting or something. I should also note that CFDocument takes a while to process (relatively speaking). Since ColdFusion 9 added an optimize function, I'm guessing that I'm out of luck until this server is upgraded. True?
<cfdocument format="pdf"
<cfpdf action = "write"
destination = "#expandPath('\pdf\temp.pdf')#"
source = "loc.tempPDF"
overwrite = "yes"
saveOption = "linear" />