Currently, I'm using mysql for many aspects of my project. I have multiple tables. They total up to 7 and are titled url, text, documents, d_text, members, connections, and permissions. I query the members(member_id, login, password), connections(manages relationships), and permissions (manages what documents people can see) tables together alot and frequently use the SELECT, WHERE, UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE clauses. These three tables are fairly small and brief, so I was wondering, if the row count gets to enormous amounts (millions), would using sphinxse or indexing in sphinx be considered here? These tables use key values to reference each other.
My second question is concerning the use of sphinxse (mysql storage engine) vs sphinx. Im going to be using sphinx to index the url table and documents table (both will index/search through the title column, so two seperate indexes will be created). Is the performance of sphinxse the same as sphinx api?