I am implementing java-first web services using JAX-WS and trying to use the @SchemaValidation
to validate required elements that are in my webMethod parameters.
here is how I declare my required attribute;
maps my wsdl schema perfectly(minOccur is not 0 anymore) but the schemaValidation in not validating the passed null elements.
@XmlElement(required=true, nillable=false)
public String getClubName() {
return clubName;
Any client that uses my API can pass null elements. I don't have a way to prevent this using JAXB.
On the other hand bean validation is working as follows. However not for String fields
@Column(name = "FOUNDATION_YEAR", nullable = false)
private Integer foundationYear; //schemaValidation validates
@Column(name = "CLUB_NAME", length=100, nullable = false)
private String clubName; //schemaValidation does not validate
How can I use schemaValidation to validate string values? One way is to put restrictions but you can not do that when using java-first web services
<xsd:simpleType name="NotEmptyString">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
<xsd:minLength value="1"/>
related posts;
Validation for generated JAXB Classes (JSR 303 / Spring)
How to enable schema validation so that JAXB rejects empty element?