I'm having trouble using the following tutorial and flashdevelop template to build a flash project for iOS. http://www.codeandvisual.com/2011/exporting-for-iphone-using-air-27-and-flashdevelop-part-four-creating-an-air-certificate-and-compiling-to-ipa/
Whenever I compile my project (using FlashDevelop 3.3.4) I get an error from adl.exe saying "Error loading initial content".
Using the iOS applicationpackager.bat, I get an error saying: application.xml: error 305: Intial window content SWF version 11 exceeds namespace version http://ns.adobe.com/air/application/2.0
I'm using air 2.7 and Flex 4.5.1 on Windows XP.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.