
I'm attempting to configure a Linked Service within my Data Factory. In this case, it's to a MariaDB instance on Ubuntu 20.04LTS.

I'm able to establish the connection from other parts of the virtual network just fine (ex. Windows 10 VM + HeidiSQL). However, when I attempt to configure (ip, database, credentials) and test the connection, I get:

ERROR [08001] [Microsoft][MariaDB] (1004) The connection has timed out while connecting to server: ip_here at port: 3306. Activity ID: omitted.

The storage account and the data factory are using the same subscription and resource group as the Ubuntu instance. The storage account is configured for All Networks.

Edit 1

I used the generic MariaDB option to setup the linked service.

Edit 2

Found this tidbit...

" [...] Azure Data Factory Azure Integration Runtime is not inside a VNET so by default it cannot connect to your Azure SQL Database. [...] the best you can do is to whitelist the IP Ranges for Azure Data Factory Integration Runtime [...]

Edit 3

Tutorial on how to setup an integration runtime: https://blog.nicholasrogoff.com/2018/07/03/how-to-get-azure-data-factory-connecting-to-your-data-on-a-vnet-or-internal-network/

However, seems this is only available on Windows (and I'm on Linux)? https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-factory/create-self-hosted-integration-runtime?tabs=data-factory