
a) I executed azcopy login logged in with passcode on the browser b) azcopy cp "https://mystorage1.table.core.windows.net/AppLog?accountKey" "https://mystorage1.blob.core.windows.net/archive/appLogs?accountKey"

    INFO: Authenticating to destination using Azure AD
    INFO: Any empty folders will not be processed, because source and/or destination doesn't have full folder support
This is the error I get:
    failed to perform copy command due to error: cannot start job due to error: cannot scan the path \\?\C:\myFolder\azcopy\https:\mystorage1.table.core.windows.net\AppLog, please verify that it is a valid.

NOTE: In other tests I was able to do a blob storage container to other blob storage container, that worked fine.

Also with older version of 8.x I was able to copy with this command:

AzCopy /Source:"https://mystorage1.table.core.windows.net/AppLog" /Dest:"https://mystorage1.blob.core.windows.net/archive/appLogs" /SourceKey:"accountKey" /Destkey:"accountKey"

example response:

PS C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\AzCopy> .\Azcopy.exe /Source:"https://***********.table.core.windows.net/AppLog" /Dest:"https://**********.blob.core.windows.net/archive/appLo
gs" /SourceKey:"*********" /Destkey:"******"
[2021/09/14 06:28:56] Manifest file for this export operation is: "*********_AppLog_20210914T062856.7516140Z.manifest".
[2021/09/14 06:28:56] All table entities have been downloaded.
[2021/09/14 06:28:57] Validating the integrity of data file list...
[2021/09/14 06:28:57] Validation of data file list passed.
[2021/09/14 06:28:57]
Transfer summary:
Total entities transferred: 21
Elapsed time:               00.00:00:01

If direct azure storage Table to storage blob container copy is not successful I may have to do 2 steps first export to a local (csv) file from my azure storage table and then upload local csv file to blob container. I was trying to avoid doing 2 step approach, if any of you have any ideas on direct copy (from storage table to storage blob container) please let me know. I have the solution in AzCopy 8.x but was wondering if I can use latest version.

Hello , Copy from / to table storage is not supported in recent versions of azcopy. please refer this Github Issue . As of Now azcopy is only used for Blob storage operations. You can use ADF copy tool activity to copy from table storage to blob storage.AnsumanBal-MT