
i have ploted the Manhattan plot below via the package qqman in R. Unfortunatly, there is a huge white space between axis ticks and axis labels and also between axis labels and axis labs. Could someone offer any tip to reduce the white space?

This is my code:

manhattan(Table, chr="CHR", bp="BP", snp="SNP", p="P", suggestiveline = 4.66963295422, genomewideline = 5.97066294989, ylim = c(0, 12), cex = 1.0, cex.axis = 0.5)


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1 Answers


You can adjust the spacing on the xaxis with padj. This argument would go through the ... argument to axis() function. Be aware that because these dots also go to other functions inside of manhattan, some warnings are triggered. THey should not concern you, however.

manhattan(gwasResults, padj = 1)
manhattan(gwasResults, padj = 0)
manhattan(gwasResults, padj = -1)