
I am researching about implementing an SMS gateway that supports sending Application to Person (A2P) SMSs (in both MO and MT directions) over a 5G network. It is something similar to an ESME (External Short Messaging Entity), which talks directly to the SMSC on 2G/3G networks.

Overview of the SMS gateway to be developed in the context of the 5G network and third-party applications.

As illustrated in the above diagram it should be able to forward SMS AOMT received from the third-party application to the 5G Network as well as to forward SMS MOAT received from the 5G network to the third-party application.

To implement the above functionality for SMS over NAS (SMSoNAS) I want to understand,

  1. Where this SMS gateway fits in the 5G Network architecture? (i.e. Should I implement an SMSF / a component similar to AMF which provides only uplink functions / an MSGin5G server / MSGF ?)

Should I consider the SMS gateway to be an NF consuming the SMSF?

Figure 9 SMS over 5G interfaces (MAP/Diameter) from GSMA SMS Evolution

Or should I consider the SMS gateway to be an MSGF?

Figure A-2: MSGin5G System Architecture for non-roaming from 3GPP_TR_23.700-24_v0.6.2

  1. Which components should the SMS gateway talk to? (i.e. SMSF / UDM / SMSC)
  2. Which protocols should the SMS gateway implement? (i.e. SS7-MAP / Diameter / Rest-Based N20/Nsmsf)

I have refered several 3GPP and ETSI 5G specifications including ETSI_TS_129.540, 3GPP_TS_23.502, 3GPP_TS_22.262 and yet was not able to find any answer to above points.

So can you please help me to understand the correct architecture for my SMS gateway