
What the app script code below does:

  1. function DriveLinkFetcher lists file details ("File url", "File name", "Viewers email", "Viewers names", "Editors email address", "Editors names", "Sharing Permission", "Sharing Access", "New file name", "Add new editors") of a google drive folder, given the url of the drive folder in cell "A2". The output is a list in a google sheet.

  2. function RenameDriveFiles renames "file names" in the folder to "new file names" depending on user input in the "New file name" column.

The problem:

function RenameDriveFiles works well for the files with no duplicate names. But if a file name has duplicates (for example, three "file 1", pls see the image) and I want to rename only the second file (rename to "file 100"), sometimes it renames all three files, sometimes two files.

The "File name" column contains duplicates and "File url" has unique IDs. So instead of using fldr.getFilesByName(oldNames[i]), is there a way to use fldr.getFilesByURL(URL[i])? Can you suggest any solution?

The output sheet is like this:

output sheet

The app script code:

    var ss=SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
    var sh=ss.getActiveSheet();

        function DriveLinkFetcher() {
    function RenameDriveFiles() {
      var url=sh.getRange("A2").getValue(); //url input from user
      var fldrID=url.match(/[-\w]{25,}/);
      var fldr=DriveApp.getFolderById(fldrID);
      //var files=fldr.getFiles();
      var lr=sh.getLastRow()-6;
      var oldNames = [];
      var newNames = [];
      oldNames = sh.getRange(7, 2, lr).getValues();
      newNames = sh.getRange(7, 9, lr).getValues();
        for(var i = 0; i < oldNames.length ; i++){
          var myFileIterator = fldr.getFilesByName(oldNames[i]);
            var currentFile = myFileIterator.next();

I know some VBA but this is my first attempt in app script. I am learning. Any help, any tip how to make this code better will be much appreciated. Thank you in advance.

var names=[],f,str; is short for var names=[]; var f; var str; and the variable str was not even used, as far as I can tell.Yuri Khristich
Your question needs more focus. Ask a specific question and provide a minimal reproducible example that enables us to reproduce that specific problem. We really don't want to have to debug your entire code.Cooper
@Yuri Khristich, thank you. Is there a short for var oldNames = []; oldNames = sh.getRange(7, 2, lr).getValues(); ?Imran Al Rashid
@Cooper, I have now edited to make it focused on a single problem.Imran Al Rashid
As for the shorts, I'm not quite understand the question. The answer probably 'no', I see no shorter versions for these lines. But on the other hand you probably don't even need the array oldNames if you have 'links'. So the short variants are '', or something like that. :)Yuri Khristich

1 Answers


If you already have the list of URLs the task (to rename the files) becomes extremely simply and straightforward:

var ss=SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sh=ss.getActiveSheet();

function RenameDriveFiles() {

  var url      = sh.getRange("A2").getValue(); //url input from user
  var fldrID   = url.match(/[-\w]{25,}/);
  var fldr     = DriveApp.getFolderById(fldrID);
  var lr       = sh.getLastRow() - 6;
  var urls     = sh.getRange(7, 1, lr).getValues().flat();
  var ids      = urls.map(u => u.split('/')[5]);
  var newNames = sh.getRange(7, 9, lr).getValues().flat();

  for (var n in newNames) {
    if (newNames[n] != '') DriveApp.getFileById(ids[n]).setName(newNames[n]);

You don't even need the old names.

But there could be some problems with shared folders, actually.


To add several editors from column 10 ('J'):

var ss=SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sh=ss.getActiveSheet();

function RenameDriveFiles() {

  var url      = sh.getRange("A2").getValue(); //url input from user
  var fldrID   = url.match(/[-\w]{25,}/);
  var fldr     = DriveApp.getFolderById(fldrID);
  var lr       = sh.getLastRow() - 6;
  var urls     = sh.getRange(7, 1, lr).getValues().flat();
  var ids      = urls.map(u => u.split('/')[5]);
  var newNames = sh.getRange(7, 9, lr).getValues().flat();
  var newEditors = sh.getRange(7, 10, lr).getValues().flat(); // column J

  for (var n in newNames) {
    var file = DriveApp.getFileById(ids[n]);
    var editors = newEditors[n].split(',');
    if (newNames[n] != '') file.setName(newNames[n]);
    if (editors[0] != '') editors.forEach(ed => file.addEditor(ed));

I haven't tried it, I hope it works.