I'm trying to pull data from a educational board website on schools affiliated with that board. So the website is http://saras.cbse.gov.in/cbse_aff/schdir_Report/userview.aspx and then, I select "State Wise" and then select a "State".
Once that is selected and I have clicked on "Search", a list of all affiliated schools in that state appears. The list is limited to 25 schools displayed at a time. At the bottom of the page, there are Previous / Next buttons that takes to the next set of 25 schools (if applicable). The page url however remains the same.
Is there some way using VBA (since I only know how to use code by pasting it as a macro in excel) to get all the information of all schools on one page, paste it on to an excel sheet and then automatically scroll through each of the remaining pages until the Next button is no longer active. screenshot of the page/ data I'm looking to pull
Will really appreciate your help.