
Below is the snippet of code I used to extract field value from word file with fields. The fields contain data from a xml document. I need to extract 10 10 data as array(1)=10 and array(2)=10 in below image. The text 10 box 10 may have more than 2 values. I would have to the multiple values in a array. I tried split with delimiter as space, newline. It doesnt split. Then tried

left(x1,(len(x)-1)/2) and right(x1,(len(x)-1)/2)

to extract 2 values. I am new to vba in word and need help in extracting multiple values or splitting based on these boxes which seem to be a table value.

Function calcinput()

x1 = ActiveDocument.SelectContentControlsByTag("TWCAR_Nominal").Item(1).Range.Text

x2 = ActiveDocument.SelectContentControlsByTag("TWCAR_NominalUnit").Item(1).Range.Text

MsgBox x1 + s2

enter image description here

Above image shows the output.

enter image description here

Above image shows data to be extracted

Just to be clear, fields and content controls are two entirely different things.Timothy Rylatt

1 Answers


Assuming that the content control shown in the screenshot is a Plain Text control with multiple paragraphs enabled, the values will be separated with a line feed character, Chr(11). Splitting the text on this character will give you the array.

Dim quantity As Variant
quantity = Split(ActiveDocument.ContentControls(1).Range.Text, Chr(11))