I'm having trouble getting two-way data binding to work in Vue 3 between a parent component and its child component, which is a form.
<h5>{{ record.title }}</h5>
<ChildForm v-model:record="record"></ChildForm>
<script lang="ts">
export default {
data() {
record: undefined
created() {
//code to fetch record
this.$data.record = new Record(responseJson);
watch: {
record: function(newRecord, oldRecord) {
alert("change detected!");
//perform appropriate logic when record is changed in child
<InputText v-model="record.title"></InputText>
<InputText v-model="record.description"></InputText>
<script lang="ts">
export default {
props: {
record: {
type: Object as () => RecordModel
emits: ["update:record"]
If I change the title in the ChildForm's title input box, the parent accurately reflects the change in the h5 header. But, the watch function never gets fired.
What do I have to do to get the parent's watch method to fire when the child changes the model object's values?