
I made a very simple component to replace any component (e.g. a comboBox) on a form that is hidden if a user does not have access to change the value:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Label xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
            import mx.core.UIComponent;
            private var _controlToReplace:UIComponent;

            public function set controlToReplace(value:UIComponent):void

The same functionality of the component can be easily done by having a label on the form instead:

<mx:Label text="{objControl.text}"

With the component I can do this, which I like better:

<Components:ReadOnlyPlaceHolder controlToReplace="{objControl}"/>

But regardless of whether or not objControl is visible, it doesn't get displayed. Do you have any idea what I could be missing?

I'm confused. You're replacing a label with a read-only control? I understand this may be a simplification in order to protect your code, but it doesn't make sense. Also, what IS objControl?Sam DeHaan
@[Sam DeHaan]Sorry for the confusion. I meant that the functionality provided by the component is anyway easy to implement with a label, i.e., the component and a label are substitutes. The label and the component both replace another control (e.g. a comboBox) with themselves. I will clarify the question now.Zesty

1 Answers


I believe the problem is that binding is not updating the properties on the label. Instead of using binding, just update them manually, ike this:

public function set controlToReplace(value:UIComponent):void
    visible = !_controlToReplace.visible;
    includeInLayout = !_controlToReplace.includeInLayout;

If that doesn't work, you'll have to show us your form and the layout code that positions and displays your ReadOnlyPlaceHolder.