I am using vue.js + vuetify, and I have to position a button over a canvas component (here handled by the Konva library)
I managed it by using absolute positining of the button. To clean things up, I want to place this button in a dedicated component.
I would like to pass the positioning css inline to this new child component, but can't figure how to make it work.
I have tried the following two ways
- Pass it with a :style="xxx" binding, like I did when using v-btn directly
- Passing the positioning to a parent div : works with a div of width != 0 but seems like a kludge. And in this case z-index is not applied to the button.
- I could pass the attributes with a dedicated prop, but vuetify does not seem to be needing it
Here is basically my code :
<v-container fluid fill-height ref="parentLayout" class="pa-0" :style="{position: 'relative'}">
<!-- Konva area overwhich the button will be placed drawn over /-->
<div ref="konvaLayout" :style="{backgroundColor:'rgb( 40, 40, 40 )'}">
<!-- THIS WORKS /-->
<v-btn absolute :style="{top:'10%', left:'10%', width: '100px'}"> THIS WORKS </v-btn>
<!-- THIS DOES NOT /-->
<my-button :style="{position: absolute, top:'2%', left:'2%'}" />
To sum up I have the two following questions:
- How can I properly bind :style to the child element, like vuetify does ?
- What is the standard way to pass css position attributes to child components ? With style binding like 1) ?
Thank you all for your help