    Sub CreatePivot()
      Dim NewSheet As Worksheet
      Dim PTCache As PivotCache
      Dim PT As PivotTable
      Dim PTRange As Range
      Dim FinalRow As Long
      Dim FinalCol As Long
       Set NewSheet = Workbooks("東京威力_樞紐分 
       NewSheet.Name = "Summary"
       For Each PT In NewSheet.PivotTables
       Next PT
       Set PTRange = getTable("Table1").Range
      'Create PivotCaches
       Set PTCache = Workbooks("東京威力_樞紐分
      'Create PivotTable
       Set PT = 
       'ManualUpdate On
       PT.ManualUpdate = True
       PT.AddFields RowFields:=Array("Recharge BU", "Main Category"), 
       ColumnFields:="Recharge To"
       With PT.PivotFields("Hours")
        .Orientation = xlDataField
        .Function = xlSum
        .Position = 1
        .NumberFormat = "#,##0.00"
        .Name = "Total - Hours"
       End With
      'Calcu PivotTable
      PT.ManualUpdate = False
      PT.ManualUpdate = True

    End Sub
     Function getTable(tableName As String) As ListObject
        Dim FinalRow As Long
        With Workbooks("東京威力_樞紐分析.xlsm").Worksheets("原始資料")
          On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
            FinalRow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).row
            Set getTable = .ListObjects(tableName)
        End With
     Exit Function
        Debug.Print Err.Number; ":" & Err.Description
        If getTable Is Nothing Then
        Workbooks("東京威力_樞紐分析.xlsm").Worksheets("原始資料").Range("A1:AK" & FinalRow), , xlYes).Name = "Table1"

        Set getTable = Worksheets("原始資料").ListObjects(tableName)
     End If
     Resume Next

    End Function

Hi Folks, the Purpose of the code is to create pivot table. But I Got Error Message 『The PivotTable field name is not valid. To create a PivotTable report, you must use data that is organized as a list with labeled columns. If you are changing the name of a PivotTable field, you must type a new name for the field』 when I created Pivot Table. (at the line==> PTCache.CreatePivotTable)

What could possibly go wrong ? Thanks

PS : I can manually create pivot table from same data source.

I would cheat by recording a macro for creating a PT in your scenario then refer to that code.Rosetta
I found that the code is modified as follows " 『Set PTCache = Workbooks("東京威力_樞紐分析.xlsm").PivotCaches.Create(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:="Table1")』, then it works. But I still don't understand what's wrong with my previous code.TsunHsiao
Got it... answer logged below.Rosetta

1 Answers


SourceData:=PTRange.Address will give us the cell address without the sheet name, e.g. $C$7:$G$17. This do not work for PT.

SourceData requires range reference with sheet name, e.g.

enter image description here

Therefore, it should be SourceData:= PTRange.Parent.Name & "!" & PTRange.Address. But if your sheet name contain spaces, then it should be SourceData:= "'" & PTRange.Parent.Name & "'!" & PTRange.Address.

Since your data is contained in named-range Table1, using the name as the SourceData will be much much easier.

enter image description here