I am using ag-grid community version for my development. I came across valuegetter to render the cell data on the fly.
But it is not reflecting in the row data variable.
Below is my columndef
columnDefs = [
{ headerName: 'Student Name', field: 'name' },
{ headerName: 'English', field: 'english' },
{ headerName: 'Maths', field: 'maths' },
{ headerName: 'Science', field: 'science' },
headerName: 'Total',
field: 'total',
valueGetter: params => {
let totalValue = 0;
totalValue =
parseInt(params.data.english) +
parseInt(params.data.maths) +
return totalValue;
Below is my row data
rowData: StudentData[] = [
{ name: 'Rajesh', english: '10', maths: '21', science: '0', total: null }
Where I am doing the total on the fly.
But when i am trying to access the total in my row data it is not reflecting
onSave(): void {
The console is printing null instead of 31
Below is my StackBlitz URL.Please help me to get the value getter value in row data model