How can I retrieve all vertex properties starting from the root vertex in Gremlin query?
We have the following structure:
Root Vertex: Employee
Edges: EdCompany, EdDepartment, EdRole
Vertices: Company, Department, Role
We are trying to receive the data of the other vertices joined with the root vertex. Somethink like this:
"employee": [
"id": "1",
"label": "Employee",
"type": "vertex",
"properties": { ... },
"company": {
"id": "A220",
"label": "Company",
"type": "vertex",
"properties": { ... },
"department": { ... },
"edge": { ... }
{ ... }
We have tried that query but return a complex JSON:
We have also tried the query suggested by Kelvin:
Failure in submitting query: g.V().hasLabel("Employee").inE().outV().tree().by(valueMap()): Server serialization error: ActivityId : 29f4b64e-c476-44b8-8e35-a07dd31d4242 ExceptionType : GraphSerializeException ExceptionMessage : Gremlin Serialization Error: GraphSON V1_0 serializer cannot serialize object of type: MapField to a primitive value to perform the desired Gremlin step