
I cannot seem to get SQL xp_cmdshell to run an R script that includes loading a library.

Am using Windows 10, MSSQL v15, R4.1

What I am trying to do is run an R script that has several libraries that load. It is running fine in RStudio and via rscript.exe but I cannot run externally from SQL

(NOTE: I do not want to setup the R scripts with SQL RServices (sp_execute_external_script); the version of R scripts we are coding requires R v4.1 code/libraries and SQL only supports 3.5. So I just want to call rscript.exe from MSSQL procedure or Agent. We do this with things like calling ogr2ogr.exe from a BAT file)

  1. so to test I made a very simple Script is the file RforCmd.r (note it does not use "janitor", simply a test to see if it will load):

#### load libs
#### do some calc
a <- 1
b <- 2
x <- a/b
y <- a*b
print(c(x, y))

  1. my batch file is myBatch.bat

REM use rscript.exe to run the R file
D: cd D:\temp
c:\R\R-4.1.0\bin\x64\rscript.exe d:\temp\RforCmd.r

  1. in SQL I am executing:

exec master..xp_cmdshell 'd:\temp\myBatch.bat'

but that throws an error in the output :

C:\WINDOWS\system32>D: d:\>cd d:\temp 
d:\temp>c:\R\R-4.1.0\bin\x64\rscript.exe d:\temp\RforCmd.r    
Error in library("janitor"): there is no package called 'janitor'       
Execution halted

I have got in my Windows System Environment Variable PATH the directories for R:


The BAT that runs rscript.exe works fine from a Windows CMD window (e.g. 'janitor' package is installed on this machine):


D:\temp>cd d:\temp
D:\temp>D:\_R\R-4.1.0\bin\x64\rscript.exe d:\temp\RforCmd.r
Attaching package: 'janitor'
The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
    chisq.test, fisher.test

[1] 0.5 2.0


It also works fine from RStudio console:

source("D:/temp/RforCmd.r", echo=TRUE)
#### load libs
#### do some calc
a <- 1
b <- 2
x <- a/b
y <- a*b
print(c(x, y))
[1] 0.5 2.0

What I have tried

  1. if I try instead to use SQLAgent and use the job step Operating System (CmdExec) then I get the same error as exec master..xp_cmdshell

  2. If in the RforCmd.r I rem out library("janitor") then the xp_cmdshell or SQLAgent works, it does the calc, but of course no library loaded, which we need it to (e.g. not a permission problem in SQL running the proc or SQLAgent)

  3. if in the RforCmd.r I specify the lib path:

library.path <- .libPaths()
library("janitor", lib.loc = library.path)
/#### do some calc
a <- 1
b <- 2
x <- a/b
y <- a*b
print(c(x, y))

then xp_cmdshell or SQLAgent still throw an error:

Error in library("janitor") : there is no package called 'janitor'

(works fine in CMD window or RStudio console)

Side note: I would avoid xp_cmdshell and only use AgentCharlieface
So is the janitor library installed in C:\Users\luke\Documents\R\win-library\4.1? That's in your user folder, SQL Server's not going to have access to it.AlwaysLearning
@AlwaysLearning - correct (i thought v odd place for R to installl libs.... user specific option?). from R Console .libPaths() gives: ` "C:/Users/luke/Documents/R/win-library/4.1" "C:/R/R-4.1.0/library" ' the janitor folder is in 1st dir listed above and a bunch of others. I will try to set that directory so SQL has permissions to it. Alternatively, should I re-install R? It got installed at C:\R\R-4.1.0LukeB
@Charlieface - thanks, I know the security drawback. I initially tried under Agent as that will be the final setup but when it threw errors I reverted to `xp_cmdshell' to check there (and is faster to run)LukeB
quite update - i think is fixed. I will post answer later ... long night .. essentially reinstall R and the path to the libs packags so SQL xp_cmdshell can find the libLukeB