On a server side I have 2 middlewares - protect (is logged in?) and restrictTo (checks user's role). These middlewares stop users or guests from performing certain actions if they are not allowed to
exports.protect = catchAsync(async (req, res, next) => {
let token;
if (
req.headers.authorization && req.headers.authorization.startsWith("Bearer")
) {
token = req.headers.authorization.split(" ")[1];
if (!token) {
return next(new AppError("You are not signed in!", 401));
const decodedToken = await promisify(jwt.verify)(
const currentUser = await User.findById(decodedToken.id);
if (!currentUser) {
return next(new AppError("User with such token no longer exists"));
req.user = currentUser;
exports.restrictTo = (...roles) => {
return (req, res, next) => {
if (!roles.includes(req.user.role)) {
return next(new AppError("No access", 403));
But how do I protect routes on a client side? If I'm not allowed to post a new note then I should be stopped from going to a /newnote page so I can't see and fill the form. JWT token is stored in cookies with httpOnly flag. So I can't access the token from a Vue router. Store a user's role in Vuex? Then how do I synchronize the token state in cookies and in Vuex? If my token has been destroyed on a server side I still can have it in Vuex until I send a request to a protected endpoint. Should I request a special auth endpoint for protected routes to check my current role using beforeEach?