I have a custom control as follows:
<StackPanel Orientation="Vertical">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}"/>
In the control template of the CustomControl, I try to bind to the CustomControl.ContentTemplate from within a DataTemplate, but it does not work:
ItemsSource="{Binding SearchResultsList}">
<StackPanel Orientation="Vertical">
ContentTemplate="{TemplateBinding ContentTemplate}">
ItemsSource="{Binding HierarchyPath}">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBlock Text="->"/>
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}"/>
Note: ContentTemplate="{TemplateBinding ContentTemplate}"
I know that you cannot use TemplateBinding inside a Datatemplate, even though the DataTemplate is inside a control template. But does anyone know how to achieve what I want to achieve without using TemplateBinding?