In my flutter project, i have to share a URL which is directly redirect to a particular product details page through social media . so i have added routing-information using velocity_x, my main.dart page is as follows
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp.router(
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
title: 'AppName',
theme: ThemeData(
primaryColor: MyAppTheme.primaryColor,
routeInformationParser: VxInformationParser(),
routerDelegate: VxNavigator(routes: {
"/": (_,__)=> MaterialPage(child:SplashScreen()),
"/login": (_,__)=> MaterialPage(child:SignUp()),
"/home": (_,__)=> MaterialPage(child:Home(selectedIndex: 0)),
"/ItemDetails": (uri, _){
final pId=int.parse(uri.queryParameters["pId"]);
return MaterialPage(
pId:pId.toString() ,
My Initial route is splash screen and after checking authentication it redirects to login page or home page. when i click on a particular item, creates a url "http://localhost:60117/ItemDetails?pId=1" this. But when i try to launch this url from another tab, first it load product detail page and suddenly redirects to my initial page splashscreen.
I tried to change "/" initial route from "/" to "/splash" and changed my "<base href="/splash/">
" but it gives a page not found error initially.
How can i access my product detail page directly using this "http://localhost:60117/ItemDetails?pId=1" URL in correct way.