Using XCode 4.1 I've come across a crash whenever I try to use a CollectionView.
These are the steps I'm doing:
- From a new project, edit the MainMenu.nib file.
- Add an NSCollectionView to the window, which also adds a Collection View Item, and a new View In the new View
- Add a control like an NSTextField
- Select the control, and switch the inspector to the binding pane.
- Attempt to bind something to the Collection View Item. Once the Collection View Item is selected in the dropdown menu, an "Internal Error" dialog appears. Attempting to continue from this dialog makes the binding pane disappear until you restart XCode
Does this happen for anyone else or is it just something I'm coming across? Is there a way to work around it to allow me to bind to the Collection View Item (I want ultimately to bind to the representedObject value) either in XCode or in code.
I attempted to create a custom NSCollectionViewItem subclass that uses a separate nib file and set that as the itemPrototype of the NSCollectionView but things went very wrong then.