
I receive bank statements from the same Email Id and the Same Subject containing an attachment of spreadSheet after every 1 hour on my Gmail.

I want to create a "Google App Script" to update my master google spreadsheet automatically from this email attachment.

As per my understanding, it should be as below steps;

  1. find the last email from the specified subject and email ID,

  2. save the attachment to the specified Google Drive Folder.

  3. From the master sheet pick the last spreadsheet from the above-specified folder.

  4. Update data in the master sheet.

Is it possible? if yes how?

Welcome to Stack Overflow. Please show what you tried and add a brief description of your search efforts as is suggested in How to Ask.Rubén
Yes it is possible. But there are many ways to do it, so please share the code you have tried so far and where you are getting stuck, and we will try to help you the best we can.Aerials

1 Answers

  1. get the email with search(query, start, max)
  2. get the attachment with getAttachments() and save with createFile(blob)
  3. get sheets with openById(id)
  4. update sheet with Class Range or Class Sheet