
I am facing a problem with Streambuilder. The workflow of my app is like there is a list of items when I press on add to favorites it adds the item to firestore. Then I am fetching data from firestore using stream and showing it on another screen using stream builder. The problem is that the stream builder is empty when I hot reload the app the data shows perfectly. this is the part where I am calling stream method this is streambuilder Thanks.

can you provide your code?Aloysius Samuel
please add your code also for fetching data from firestore.Rohit Chaursiya
I have added some part of code please check the edited part.foreverLearner

1 Answers


Try removing the extra variable resultStream and directly use the function DatabaseManager.getUserCurrency() in your StreamBuilder like this:

   stream: DatabaseManager.getUserCurrency(context),
   builder: (context, snapshot){...}

if this does not fix the issue, check your getUserCurrency() function for errors. This is an example for getting a Stream from Firestore:

Stream<UserData> getUserData(String uid) {
  try {
    return userCollection
        .map((event) => event?.data() != null ? UserData.fromMap(event.data()) : null);
  } catch (e) {
    return null;

Additionally you normally don’t have to await a Stream, which might cause the issue in your case, because you are calling the async function in your initState.