I user fluent validation to validate my forms. I use asp.net core (razor pages). It work correctly in client side, but when I removed jquery validation scripts to test server side validation I see it doesn't work and ModelState is true. How can I fix this problem. Is there a any solution?
This is Page Model Properties
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the user role name
/// </summary>
public string Name { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the user role system name
/// </summary>
//ErrorMessage = "Already exists",
AdditionalFields = "__RequestVerificationToken",
HttpMethod = "Post",
PageHandler = "CheckSystemName"
public string SystemName { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets a value indicate whether the user role is for managers
/// </summary>
public bool IsManagerRole { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets a value indicating whether the level of manager if it's a manager role
/// </summary>
public int? ManagerLevel { get; set; }
This is OnPost
public async Task<IActionResult> OnPostAsync()
if (!ModelState.IsValid) return Page();
var role = new Role()
Name = Name,
Inactive = false,
IsSystemRole = false,
SystemName = SystemName,
IsManagerRole = IsManagerRole,
ManagerLevel = IsManagerRole ? ManagerLevel : null
await _userService.InsertRoleAsync(role);
return RedirectToPage("/Security/Roles/Index");
And finally this is my validation
public class CreateRolesValidator : AbstractValidator<CreateModel>
public CreateRolesValidator(ILocalizationService localizationService)
RuleFor(x => x.Name).NotNull().WithMessageAwait(localizationService.GetResourceAsync("Security.Role.Fields.Name.Required"));
RuleFor(x => x.SystemName).NotNull().WithMessageAwait(localizationService.GetResourceAsync("Security.Role.Fields.SystemName.Required"));
//RuleFor(x => x.SystemName).IsUniqueRoleSystemName().WithMessageAwait(localizationService.GetResourceAsync("Security.Role.SystemName.SystemNameAlreadyExists"));
RuleFor(x => x.ManagerLevel).NotNull().DependentRules(() =>
RuleFor(x => x.IsManagerRole).Must(x => x.Equals(true));
For example NotEmpty() for "Name" works correctly on client side but not in server side and doesn't catch as an invalid model state.