I have proto-gen-go-grpc plugin ver 1.1.0, and keep getting error during compiling my .proto file:
2021/07/31 21:31:43 [profiling] error parsing flags: when -address isn't specified, you must include -stream-stats-catapult-json --go-grpc_out: protoc-gen-go-grpc: Plugin failed with status code 1.
I'm using this command for compiling:
protoc --go-grpc_out=. -I . blog.proto
I've found the source code of proto-gen-go-grpc module with -address and -stream-stats-catapult-json flags: https://github.com/grpc/grpc-go/blob/master/profiling/cmd/flags.go
But all my attempts to use this flags like this:
protoc --go-grpc_opt=stream-stats-catapult-json=json.txt --go-grpc_out=. -I . blog.proto
protoc --stream-stats-catapult-json=json.txt --go-grpc_out=. -I . blog.proto
are unsucessfull.
I don't need to use -address flag because I have no remote server for profiling, also I don't need to use profiling too. How can I complile my proto files using correct flags?