I put data into a csv file (called "Essential Data_posts"). In my main, I extract a particular column from this file (called 'Post Texts') so that I can analyze the post texts for sentiment entity analysis using Google Cloud NLP. I then put this analysis in another csv file (called "SentimentAnalysis"). To do this, I put all of the information pertaining to sentiment entity analysis into an array (one for each piece of information).
The problem I am having is that when I execute my code, nothing shows up in SentimentAnalysis file, other than the headers, ex. "Representative Name". When I requested the lengths of all the arrays, I found out that each array had a length of 0, so they didn't have information being added to them.
I am using Ubuntu 21.04 and Google Cloud Natural Language. I am running this all in Terminal, not the Google Cloud Platform. I am also using Python3 and emacs text editor.
from google.cloud import language_v1
import pandas as pd
import csv
import os
#lists we are appending to
representativeName = []
entity = []
salienceScore = []
entitySentimentScore = []
entitySentimentMagnitude = []
metadataNames = []
metadataValues = []
mentionText = []
mentionType = []
def sentiment_entity(postTexts):
client = language_v1.LanguageServiceClient()
type_ = language_v1.Document.Type.PLAIN_TEXT
language = "en"
document = {"content": post_texts, "type": type_, "language": language}
encodingType = language_v1.EncodingType.UTF8
response = client.analyze_entity_sentiment(request = {'document': document, 'encoding type': encodingType})
#loop through entities returned from the API
for entity in response.entities:
#loop over metadata associated with entity
for metadata_name, metadata_value in entity.metadata.items():
#loop over the mentions of this entity in the input document
for mention in entity.mentions:
#put the lists into the csv file (using pandas)
data = {
"Representative Name": representativeName,
"Entity": entity,
"Salience Score": salienceScore,
"Entity Sentiment Score": entitySentimentScore,
"Entity Sentiment Magnitude": entitySentimentMagnitude,
"Metadata Name": metadataNames,
"Metadata Value": metadataValues,
"Mention Text": mentionText,
"Mention Type": mentionType
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
df.to_csv("SentimentAnalysis.csv", encoding='utf-8', index=False)
def main():
import argparse
#read the csv file containing the post text we need to analyze
filename = open('Essential Data_posts.csv', 'r')
#create dictreader object
file = csv.DictReader(filename)
postTexts = []
#iterate over each column and append values to list
for col in file:
postTexts.append(col['Post Text'])
parser = arg.parse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--postTexts", type=str, default=postTexts)
args = parser.parse_args()