As far as I've noticed TinyMCE does it's own escaping of meta characters, and using htmlspecialchars() afterwards will only clutter the output and show < p > tags and the like instead of rendering them in the browser. It's an easy thing to turn off Javascript and input malicious code which will be rendered when another user with Javascript turned on visits the content.
So I need to use proper server-side validation, but exactly -how- can I do this properly considering the thousands of XSS techniques out there? Is there any efficient way which works for TinyMCE, such as "using htmlspecialchars() together with TinyMCE?"
So far I've made a white-list for allowed HTML tags, replaced any javascript:
and similar :void
within the content to try and protect against inline Javascript such as onClick="javascript:void(alert("XSS"));"
, but I feel this is not enough.
Any advice on the subject would be very appreciated, but remember that certain content needs to be shown properly on the output, this is why I use TinyMCE in the first place. I only need to be protected against the XSS.
Also, while on the subject; how can I protect myself against CSS XSS such as style="background-image: url(XSS here);"