
I have an app consisting of multiple Cloud Run Services. Each service is open only to a specific set of other services.

Let's say I have 2 services with URLs https://api-service-123.run.app and https://data-provider-service-123.run.app. The first service also has a custom URL https://api.my.domain.

api-service needs access to data-provider-service. So, following the documentation, I created two per-service user-managed service-accounts api-service-account@domain and data-provider-service-account@domain. I added api-service-account@domain into data-provider-service with Cloud Run Invoker role.

Now, I have trouble accessing the account with ID Token returned from Google. I tried several ways. Firstly, I utilized slightly adjusted code from the docks

export const getToken = async (url: string, targetAUD?: string) => {
    const auth = new GoogleAuth();
    const request  = async () => {
        if (!targetAUD) {
            targetAUD = new URL(url).origin;
        console.info(`request ${url} with target audience ${targetAUD}`);
        const client = await auth.getIdTokenClient(targetAUD);
        const res = await client.request({url});
        return res.data;
    try {
       return await request();
    } catch (err) {

When the function above is called as getToken('http://data-provider-service-123.run.app');, the request fails with 401 Unauthorized. I also tried to call it as getToken('https://data-provider-service-123.run.app'); and got a response 403 Forbidden. The following entry is added to data-provider-service logs for each such request

    httpRequest: {9}insertId: "60fcb7e0000c12346fe37579"
    logName: "projects/my-project/logs/run.googleapis.com%2Frequests"
    receiveTimestamp: "2021-07-25T01:01:20.806589957Z"
    resource: {2}
    severity: "WARNING"
    textPayload: "The request was not authorized to invoke this service. Read more at 
    timestamp: "2021-07-25T01:01:20.800918Z"
    trace: "projects/my-project/traces/25b3c13890aad01234829711d4e9f25"

I also tried to obtain and use JWT from compute metadata server (also a way advertised in the docs) by running curl "http://metadata.google.internal/computeMetadata/v1/instance/service-accounts/default/identity?audience=http://data-provider-servive-123.run.app" \ -H "Metadata-Flavor: Google".

When I execute this code in Cloud Shell, I get JWT that looks like this

"iss": "accounts.google.com",
"azp": "123456789-9r9s1c4alg36erliucho9t52n12n6abc.apps.googleusercontent.com",
"aud": "123456789-9r9s1c4alg36erliucho9t52n12n6abc.apps.googleusercontent.com",
"sub": "106907196154567890477",
"email": "[email protected]",
"email_verified": true,
"at_hash": "dQpctkQE2Sy1as1qv_w",
"iat": 1627173901,
"exp": 1627177501,
"jti": "448d660269d4c7816ae3zd45wrt89sb9f166452dce"

Then I make a request using postman to https://data-provider-service/get-data with a header Authorization: "Bearer <the_jwt_from_above>" and everything works fine

However, if I make the same request from my api-service, the JWT returned is

"aud": "http://data-provider-service-123.run.app",
"azp": "111866132465987679716",
"email": "api-service-account@domain",
"email_verified": true,
"exp": 1627179383,
"iat": 1627175783,
"iss": "https://accounts.google.com",
"sub": "111866132465987679716"

If I make the same request with the postman and place this JWT into the Authorization header, the 401 Unauthorized is returned.

I have spent this week trying to solve this issue. I triple-checked the permissions, redeployed the services several times, but nothing helps.

The problem is the incorrect aud (audience). Compare the working token with the failing one.John Hanley
@JohnHanley, I'm not sure, but I guess the audience from the working token refers to the scope of the entire project, as I get it from Shell while having the Owner permissions. Actually, I wonder why the working JWT has a broader aud than requested, but it's another question. I guess this quote from docs supports my thoughts "Fetch a Google-signed ID token with the audience claim (aud) set to the URL of the receiving service."AntoineRNT
The aud for the working Identity Token is "aud": "http://data-provider-service-123.run.app",. Do you notice what that represents? That is the service that you are calling. If the audience is wrong, permission denied.John Hanley
@JohnHanley, Conversely, the working token obtained from Shell is 123456789-9r9s1c4alg36erliucho9t52n12n6abc.apps.googleusercontent.com. And the aud of not-working token matches the data-provider-service, yet it returns 401.AntoineRNT
Simplify your question to a) show the code; b) show the decoded token; c) show the exact call using the token using a tool such as curl; d) show the error. Your other code that works is not helpful. Something is wrong in the information you have included which is confusing/masking the real problem. In other words, start over with a concise problem that I can reproduce.John Hanley

1 Answers


I changed http to https in the URL of the target service when asking computing metadata server, and looks like it solved the problem. Requesting token like this with google-auth-library still fails with 403 error.

I'll update that answer if the solution is sustainable.