
I am having an issue in Unity where every time I launch the editor it asks me to enter in safe mode because there are a lot of errors and when I press ignore it launches and I can see in the console a lot of errors with the UI and I found out that I cant create UI elements directly in the hierarchy. I tried to update from 2020.3.13f1 to 2020.3.14f1 and for the first launch everything was fine, with no errors, and I could create UI elements but then when I restarted to make sure everything was actually fine, all the errors popped up again and I cant create UI. Why does this happen and does anyone have a fix because I can't find it anywhere online.

Safe mode is not intended to be used to work on your game, it's created solely for resolving script compilation errors. You would need to fix your script errors before you can edit your project.dimitar.bogdanov
I don't think its a script compilation error because the errors give out the namespace UnityEngine.UI doesn't exist, than it loads for 5-10 min and all the errors are gone.Denis Blisceac
Sounds like something went awry with your initial installation of Unity. Did you just recently install Unity and then saw this issue? You may want to consider uninstalling Unity completely and reinstalling it. This may be quite a nightmare to troubleshoot otherwise.MoreFoam
Denis, have you looked in Editor.log? (you share it)? In that log you may find more details about what went wrong.Vagaus

2 Answers


Try not to enter Safe Mode. Enter the editable project. There go to Assets-Reimport All.

It did it to me too, it's probably a Unity bug, this method fixes it. Practically it reimports the whole project by itself, avoiding that the bug gives you problems (such as those like UnityEngine.UI does not exist or Monobehavior does not exist, etc.)

Obviously you will not lose any assets and everything will be fine as before receiving the errors.


You're very likely simply opening the wrong folder, it's a common mistake

Or, you have possibly moved around the folders that you cannot move

Also - it's a nuisance but it's best to install the "hub"