I'm trying to setup the multi region deployment with Load Balancer that drives traffic to the Cloud Run app which is deployed in the closed region to the visitor by this tutorial https://cloud.google.com/run/docs/multiple-regions
I have a Google Cloud Platform Load Balancer setup with a backend service which points to three regional network endpoint groups each of them linked to a separate instance of Cloud Run app in different regions.
When I'm accessing a Cloud Run app in any region directly by Cloud Run app URL (like this https://cms-us-east1-dpuglk7uja-ue.a.run.app) it works well.
When I'm accessing the app through the load balancer domain in the europe it works good as well.
But when I'm accessing the app through the load balancer domain in any other region (US, Asia) I'm getting a 404 error with message The requested URL was not found on this server. That’s all we know.
I've done everything explained in this tutorial and not sure what's wrong with that. Here are the regions I'm using: europe-north1
, us-east1
, asia-northeast1
Is there any chance that the beta version of the Serverless NEG is still buggy?