
I am trying to create an online meeting with a web application using the Microsoft Graph API.

When I try to initiate an authorization request to get permissions from the end-user to create a token with a similar URL to:


I get the following error message from the Microsoft API:

The client does not have a secret configured. If you are the client application developer, configure a secret through the application management site at https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2083908.

I have a secret configured for the application in the "Certificates & secrets" part under the "Client secrets":

Client secrets screenshots

I have no clue what I am missing here and the Microsoft documentation is not really helpful.

Are you use Microsoft personal account to login? the login.live.com makes me think that way. Per online meeting doc you provide, delegate to personal account is not supported, only work or school account, and the login url look like this: login.microsoftonline.com/{tenant}LarryX
I am planning to use the Application permission type. That should support OnlineMeetings.ReadWrite.All* permissions according to the doc.KARASZI István
I believe you will be right. It will be delegated permissions.KARASZI István