We have 2 Data factories (dev and prd) with an Azure DevOps Git integration. All setup for CI/CD as mentioned in https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-factory/continuous-integration-deployment:
- Development in different features branches
- Different features to master branch by pull requests
- Publish to adf_publish branch
- Azure pipeline to release from ADF-dev to ADF-prd
An additional requirement we would like to add, is the possibity to perform selective releases to our prd Data Factory. F.e.: New development A was published to our adf_publish branch and the validation of new development A is still in progress. Meanwhile, new request B needs to be released to ADF-prd as soon as possible (not as a hotfix). However, this is currently blocked by development A, which still has to be validated. So we would like to have the possibility to only release request B to our adf-prd and exclude development A from that release (as it's not validated yet).
Unfortunately, this feature is not supported in Data Factory itself (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-factory/continuous-integration-deployment). We are looking for a solution in Azure DevOps, but so far without luck. Does anyone has a solution for this?
Thanks in advance, Kind regards, Jef