
I have created a code that generates a matrix with shape (12,12) for color image analyzes using convolutional neural network. The input of my script is a tensor of shape (5,3,12,12). I took off the values 5 and 3 using detach().numpy().

The script :

    for k in range(5):
            for l in range(3):
                m,n= y.shape
                Enhanced = np.zeros((m,n))
                for i in range(1,m+1):
                    for j in range(1,n+1):

... represents a simple function which I don't want to bother you with.

z is a list of the Enhanced which are arrays. so my goal is to create a torch tensor from the Enhanced numpy arrays with shape (5,3,12,12).

I added this line to my code inside the for loop and i get:


and then print the r.shape and i get that :

 torch.Size([3, 12, 12])
 torch.Size([6, 12, 12])
 torch.Size([9, 12, 12])
 torch.Size([12, 12, 12])
 torch.Size([15, 12, 12]) 

So what I understand is that I need to stack those r tensors. I used the function t=np.stack(r) but what I get is the shape of the last execution which is torch.Size([15, 12, 12]) so how can I modify that to get shape of (5, 3, 12, 12)


1 Answers


You have to:

  • stack list of np.array together (Enhanced ones)
  • convert it to PyTorch tensors via torch.from_numpy function

For example:

import numpy as np

some_data = [np.random.randn(3, 12, 12) for _ in range(5)]

stacked = np.stack(some_data)
tensor = torch.from_numpy(stacked)

Please note that each np.array in the list has to be of the same shape

For different shapes one could do that:

import numpy as np
import torch

some_data = [np.random.randn(3, 12, 12) for _ in range(5)] + [
    np.random.randn(6, 12, 12)

stacked = np.concatenate(some_data).reshape(-1, 3, 12, 12)
tensor = torch.from_numpy(stacked)


In your case:

r = torch.from_numpy(np.concatenate(z).reshape(-1, 3, 12, 12))