I know this may be too late for a better answer but a desired perfect solution must be a system like positioner. I mean, when system makes a positioning for an Editor field it places the field just up to the keyboard, so as UI/UX rules it is perfect.
What below code makes is the Android way positioning smoothly. First of all we keep the current scroll point as a reference point. Second thing is to find the best positioning scroll point for an editor, to do this we scroll to top, and then request the editor fields to make the ScrollView component to do the best positioning. Gatcha! We've learned the best position. Now, what we'll do is scroll smoothly from the previous point to the point we've found newly. If you want you may omit smooth scrolling by using scrollTo instead of smoothScrollTo only.
NOTE: The main container ScrollView is a member field named scrollViewSignup, because my example was a signup screen, as you may figure out a lot.
view.setOnFocusChangeListener(new View.OnFocusChangeListener() {
public void onFocusChange(final View view, boolean b) {
if (b) {
scrollViewSignup.post(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
int scrollY = scrollViewSignup.getScrollY();
scrollViewSignup.scrollTo(0, 0);
final Rect rect = new Rect(0, 0, view.getWidth(), view.getHeight());
view.requestRectangleOnScreen(rect, true);
int new_scrollY = scrollViewSignup.getScrollY();
scrollViewSignup.scrollTo(0, scrollY);
scrollViewSignup.smoothScrollTo(0, new_scrollY);
If you want to use this block for all EditText instances, and quickly integrate it with your screen code. You can simply make a traverser like below. To do this, I've made the main OnFocusChangeListener a member field named focusChangeListenerToScrollEditor, and call it during onCreate as below.
traverseEditTextChildren(scrollViewSignup, focusChangeListenerToScrollEditor);
And the method implementation is as below.
private void traverseEditTextChildren(ViewGroup viewGroup, View.OnFocusChangeListener focusChangeListenerToScrollEditor) {
int childCount = viewGroup.getChildCount();
for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
View view = viewGroup.getChildAt(i);
if (view instanceof EditText)
((EditText) view).setOnFocusChangeListener(focusChangeListenerToScrollEditor);
else if (view instanceof ViewGroup)
traverseEditTextChildren((ViewGroup) view, focusChangeListenerToScrollEditor);
So, what we've done here is making all EditText instance children to call the listener at focus.
To reach this solution, I've checked it out all the solutions here, and generated a new solution for better UI/UX result.
Many thanks to all other answers inspiring me much.
the form may changed from user to user
but you can just usemEditView.getTop();
– nebkat