I am trying to learn openseadragon zoom functionality, however, not understanding something. I put together a simple example and have few questions: https://codepen.io/Ivalina/pen/poPbaMv
When page first loads, how can I make sure that when I click zoom out right away, image doesn't get any smaller than it already is. This is confusing, as I would hope it starts at its smallest. (priority)
Another question, I did set the min and max zoom levels, yet when I keep on clicking zoom in, it definitely goes beyond 3 clicks. Same goes for zoom out once zoomed in. Is there a way to limit zoom to specific amount of clicks (preferably 3).
var tileSources = {
Image: {
xmlns: "http://schemas.microsoft.com/deepzoom/2008",
Url: "//openseadragon.github.io/example-images/duomo/duomo_files/",
Format: "jpg",
TileSize: "256",
Size: {
Width: "13920",
Height: "10200"
var viewer = OpenSeadragon({
id: "seadragonviewer",
prefixUrl: "//openseadragon.github.io/openseadragon/images/",
tileSources: tileSources,
visibilityRatio: 1.0,
constrainDuringPan: true,
minZoomLevel: 0,
maxZoomLevel: 2,
zoomPerClick: 1.5,
gestureSettingsMouse: {
clickToZoom: false,
scrollToZoom: false,
flickEnabled: true
gestureSettingsTouch: {
clickToZoom: false
visibilityRatio: 1.0,
useCanvas: false