I have two columns of text/abbreviations i want to summarize in a (or two respectively) tables.
Column 1: SiteScopeInput
Swap_G09+Remove_U21+Rollout_L07+Swap_L08+Swap_L18+Rollout_L21+Rollout_N35 Remove_U21+Rollout_L07+Swap_L08+Swap_L18+Rollout_L21+Rollout_N35 Swap_G09+Rollout_L07+Swap_L08+Swap_L09+Swap_L18+Rollout_L21+Swap_L26+Rollout_N35 Swap_G09+Remove_U21+Rollout_L07+Swap_L08+Swap_L18+Rollout_L21+Rollout_N35
Here I'd like to summarize how many times words occure - for example: Swap_G09 Remove_U1 Rollout_L07 and so on.
I've tried a combination of
ArrayFormula, LEN and REGEXREPLACE
but my beginner mind can't wrap around this task.
Any tips? Thanks!