
I want to shadow a Kotlin companion object. The companion object what i want to shadowing is:

class MyLogClass {
    companion object {
        fun logV(tag: String, messageProvider: () -> String) {
            if (SPUtils.getLogLevel() >= mLogLevel) {
                Log.v(tag, messageProvider.invoke())

What I have tried:

// Shadow class...
class ShadowMyLogClass {

    fun v(tag: String, messageProvider: () -> String) {
        redirectConsole(tag, messageProvider)

    private fun redirectConsole(tag: String, messageProvider: () -> String) {

// And in Testing class...
class TestMyLogClass {
    fun test() {
        MyLogClass.logV("some tag") {
            "some message"

But what I have tried occur an Error:

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access class kotlin.jvm.internal.DefaultConstructorMarker from class com.example.zspirytus.log.impl.MyLogClass$Companion

It seems that there is lost an constructor method which type is DefaultConstructorMarker, How can I make an DefaultConstructorMarker or other way to create a Shadow MyLogClass? Thanks for your reading and answers!


1 Answers


Here's what I did to shadow a method in the companion object

class ShadowObject {
  companion object {
    fun verify(): Boolean {
      return true


@Config(shadows = [
class UserTest {
  // Rest of testing class

In your case, I'd say you just need to wrap your @Implementation method with companion object, and change @Implements(MyLogClass.Companion::class) to just @Implements(MyLogClass::class)