Basically, I am trying to test how this on-demand cluster spins up and works with Hive activity. So there is only one activity in the pipeline.
But Azure data factory shows the below message when I try to debug it for Hive activity using an on-demand HDInsight cluster. {"code":"BadRequest","message":null,"target":"pipeline//runid/cXXX-XXXX-XXXXX-1111","details":null,"error":null}
When I checked in debug section of the pipeline runs it says "Operation on target pipeline failed: Invalid linked service reference. Name: storage_linkedservice"
The on-demand HDInsight cluster's linked service is configured with Dynamic Content in Json Format and not through UI. Reference for this Json is taken from Microsoft docs link:
This document says how we can attach additional storage accounts under the title additionalLinkedServiceNames JSON example.
And I have used the same JSON format to specify additional storage account for which the data factory throws an error. The JSON format is as below.
"additionalLinkedServiceNames": [ { "referenceName": "storage_linkedservice", "type": "LinkedServiceReference" } ]
Does anyone have any idea that why the pipeline is failing even though the format is specified as mentioned in Microsoft's document?
The reply is very much appreciated.