
The issue I'm current facing is:

I created a main folder named "Parent" with the folder ID:eg abcde12345.

Within the Parent folder, there are 3 diff folders (eg. Folder A, Folder B, Folder C) with their own files.

The specific file I am looking for is: "File to be sent.pdf"

This file, I placed in Folder C for example.

However, the script I wrote below (with some details edited out) only search for the specific file in the Parent folder. The search does not go into Folder A,B or C to look for the file with the exact filename.

Is there a way to search for this specific file within the Parent + A + B + C without hardcode the Folder A,B,C IDs in the script?

Thank you!

Ps. The number of sub folders may grow more than A,B,C and in these sub folders, I am thinking of creating more layers.

function ReturnWork(){
var markedFolder = DriveApp.getFolderById("abcde12345");
var ws = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
/*This section which I edited out to shorten this post contains variables example:
-etc... all details needed for the mailApp below.*/
var docName = 'File to be sent.pdf';
var markedFiles = markedFolder.getFilesByName(docName);

      to: emailAddress,
      subject: subjectMarked,
      replyTo: centre_email,
      htmlBody : markedHTML.evaluate().getContent(),
      attachments: [markedFiles.next().getAs(MimeType.PDF)],

1 Answers


One option would be to recursively search the file in the target folder and its subfolders:

function searchFileTest() {
  const targetFolderId = 'abc123';
  const fileName = 'File to be sent.pdf';
  const filesFound = searchFile(fileName, targetFolderId);
  for (const file of filesFound) {
    Logger.log('File found: ' + file.getUrl());

function searchFile(fileName, folderId) {
  let files = [];

  // Look for file in current folder
  const folderFiles = DriveApp.getFolderById(folderId).getFiles();
  while (folderFiles.hasNext()) {
    const folderFile = folderFiles.next(); 
    if (folderFile.getName() === fileName) {

  // Recursively look for file in subfolders
  const subfolders = DriveApp.getFolderById(folderId).getFolders(); 
  while (subfolders.hasNext()) {
    files = files.concat(searchFile(fileName, subfolders.next().getId()));

  return files;

This will return an array with all the files that have that name in the folder you specify of its subfolders.


How to search contents of files in all folders and subfolders of google drive in Apps Scripts?

Google apps script - iterate folder and subfolder

assign hyperlink to cell in google sheets to google drive files using google app script