
I got this problem when the discord bot I write with discord.js shows a role as @deleted-role, The role itself is still available but the bot says deleted role. I tried to test it with another role same here are the images of the and the code:

if (message.content.includes("test"))
  return message.channel.send("<@&" + 855179067388461076 + "> why is that ");

The result

enter image description here

The role

enter image description here

Can you guys help me with this?

if you type <@&855179067388461076> into your discord does it work?Logan Devine

1 Answers


The problem is that you use an integer (855179067388461076) as a snowflake. It should be a string. As this number is greater than 53 bits (MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) JavaScript has difficulty interpreting it. It can only safely represent integers between -(253 - 1) and 253 - 1.

Max safe integer 9007199254740992
Your integer 855179067388461076
Your integer becomes 855179067388461000

And there is no role with the ID of 855179067388461000. To solve this, make sure you only use strings as snowflakes:

message.channel.send("<@&" + "855179067388461076" + "> why is that")

// OR
const roleId = "855179067388461076"
message.channel.send("<@&" + roleId + "> why is that")

console.log('<@&' + 855179067388461076 + '> why is that ')
// => <@&855179067388461000> why is that