I created a query to concatenate two fields in a table into a third field in the same table.
- Table:
- Field1:
- Field2:
- Field1&2:
The query worked, here is the SQL code:
UPDATE mif_999_sf_item_creation_subcategory_groups SET mif_999_sf_item_creation_subcategory_groups.CCat_PrdGrpCd_n_SubCatCd = [Product_Group_Code__c] & "_" & [Subcategory_Group_Code__c];
I used AllenBrowne's code to convert the SQL code to VBA.
But when I pasted the VBA code into a VBA module and ran it and nothing happened. I did not receive any error messages but neither were the two columns concatenated.
Sub Test()
strSql = "UPDATE mif_999_sf_item_creation_subcategory_groups SET mif_999_sf_item_creation_subcategory_groups.CCat_PrdGrpCd_n_SubCatCd = [Product_Group_Code__c] & ""_"" & [Subcategory_Group_Code__c];"
End Sub
I tried looking for other examples on the web and on this site but nothing worked for me.
Any ideas as to what I'm doing wrong?