I have a cloud function which publishes a message to PubSub and that triggers a cloud run to perform an archive file process. When there are large files, my cloud run python code takes some time to process the data it looks like PubSub is retrying the message after 20 seconds (default acknowledge deadline time) which is triggering another instance from my Cloud Run. I've increased the acknowledge deadline to 600s and redeployed everything but it's still retrying the message after 20 seconds. I am missing anything?
Cloud Function publishing the message code:
# Publishes a message
publish_future = publisher.publish(topic_path, data=message_bytes)
publish_future.result() # Verify the publish succeeded
return 'Message published.'
except Exception as e:
return (e, 500)
Here is the PubSub subscription config:
Logging showing a second instance being triggered after 20s:
Cloud Run code:
@app.route("/", methods=["POST"])
def index():
envelope = request.get_json()
if not envelope:
msg = "no Pub/Sub message received"
print(f"error: {msg}")
return f"Bad Request: {msg}", 400
if not isinstance(envelope, dict) or "message" not in envelope:
msg = "invalid Pub/Sub message format"
print(f"error: {msg}")
return f"Bad Request: {msg}", 400
pubsub_message = envelope["message"]
if isinstance(pubsub_message, dict) and "data" in pubsub_message:
#Decode base64 event['data']
event_data = base64.b64decode(pubsub_message['data']).decode('utf-8')
message = json.loads(event_data)
#logic to process data/archive
return ("", 204)