
While configuring the JDBC driver to extract metadata from Snowflake like tables, columns, views - what attributes I should make use of to extract table descriptions, column descriptions, tags associated to tables etc.

Also, is there a place wherein I can see the exhaustive list of metadata attributes.

When I configured the snowflake JDBC driver in Collibra data catalog, it fetches only table names but not descriptions, column names but not descriptions.

Hi - have you looked at the documentation here: docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/jdbc-api.html ? Which jdbc objects/methods are you calling to try to get the information you require?NickW

1 Answers


To get an exhaustive list, use the INFORMATION_SCHEMA. Each database has an INFORMATION_SCHEMA schema within it with a bunch of useful information. You can also use the SNOWFLAKE database which holds similar information across the account.

These two options will probably give you more information than you can get from the JDBC api.