I have 3 columns A, B & C as shown in the image. Column A contains the search key. The second column B contains names and their respective content in the third column C.
I am filtering rows that contain the text in A1 in B:C and concatenating them. The challenge is that each text in the third column is roughly 40k characters. The filter formula works well so the issue is the character limit. This formula =ArrayFormula(query(C1:C,,100000))
which I have in F1 concatenates more than 50000 characters but I am not how to apply it for my case.
Tried to wrap my formula in E1 inside the query function but it wasn't successful. Like so:
=ArrayFormula(query(CLEAN(CONCATENATE(FILTER(C1:C, B1:B=A1))),,100000))
I also tried to SPLIT the concatenated result into sets of 50000 characters and put the extras in the next columns but wouldn't manage either. The formula I tried in this case is:
The link to the spreadsheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rhVSQJBGaPQu6y2WbqkO2_UqzyfCc3_76t4AK3PdF7M/edit?usp=sharing
=ArrayFormula(query(FILTER(C1:C, B1:B=A1),,100000))
. Didn't have to SPLIT into new columns. Thanks. – Danstan Ongubo