Sorry for the complex question let me explain. I've created a custom widget that handles some ontouch events. What i want to do is when i start a touch event on that custom widget (onDown) i want that widget to keep handling these event even if the absolute coordinations are not in that widget.
I have a scrollview and on top of that(inside the scrollview) a widget that handles (left - right) scrolls. But if i move the finger vertically the ontouch events are consumed and handled by the scollview. If there a way to forbit scrollview to handle touch events , or better force the custom widget to keep handling the touchEvent, if i start the ontouchEvent inside the custom widget?
UPDATE I came across that .
That works in my case if the custom widget is NOT inside a scrolling view like "ScrollView". Trying to solve the "Beeing inside a scrolling object. How to not send these on touchevents to the parent? Returning true doesn't solve the problem