Google Sheet:
Scroll to the bottom where I have Avg Days to Close and the Speedometers.
I am trying to get the Purchase Closes one (in Cell F500) to average out ColumnBY, ColumnBZ, ColumnCA from the BNTouch Raw Data Sheet using the query.
Here is what I have for the query, found in Cell F500:
=Query('BNTouch Raw Data'!$A$1:CN,
SELECT Avg(BY),Avg(BZ),Avg(CA)
WHERE BO contains 'Closed'
and BD >= date """&TEXT($F$9,"yyyy-MM-dd")&"""
and BD <= date """&TEXT($F$11,"yyyy-MM-dd")&"""
and AF = '"&$I$9&"'
LABEL Avg(BY),Avg(BZ),Avg(CA) 'Avg Days to Close' ","
SELECT Avg(BY),Avg(BZ),Avg(CA)
WHERE BO contains 'Closed'
and BD >= date """&TEXT($F$9,"yyyy-MM-dd")&"""
and BD <= date """&TEXT($F$11,"yyyy-MM-dd")&"""
LABEL Avg(BY),Avg(BZ),Avg(CA) 'Avg Days to Close' "))