I am trying to understand why Dijkstra's algorithm will not work with negative weights. Reading an example on Shortest Paths, I am trying to figure out the following scenario:
\ /
3 \ / -2
\ /
From the website:
Assuming the edges are all directed from left to right, If we start with A, Dijkstra's algorithm will choose the edge (A,x) minimizing d(A,A)+length(edge), namely (A,B). It then sets d(A,B)=2 and chooses another edge (y,C) minimizing d(A,y)+d(y,C); the only choice is (A,C) and it sets d(A,C)=3. But it never finds the shortest path from A to B, via C, with total length 1.
I can not understand why using the following implementation of Dijkstra, d[B] will not be updated to 1
(When the algorithm reaches vertex C, it will run a relax on B, see that the d[B] equals to 2
, and therefore update its value to 1
Dijkstra(G, w, s) {
Initialize-Single-Source(G, s)
S ← Ø
Q ← V[G]//priority queue by d[v]
while Q ≠ Ø do
u ← Extract-Min(Q)
S ← S U {u}
for each vertex v in Adj[u] do
Relax(u, v)
Initialize-Single-Source(G, s) {
for each vertex v V(G)
d[v] ← ∞
π[v] ← NIL
d[s] ← 0
Relax(u, v) {
//update only if we found a strictly shortest path
if d[v] > d[u] + w(u,v)
d[v] ← d[u] + w(u,v)
π[v] ← u
Update(Q, v)